Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Touch Points

Our church provides scholarships for college bound graduates. They do not receive a huge amount, but it often covers books and some basic expenses when they first get onto campus. Years ago we used to make them solicit references from the congregation. These days, we skip the references and instead ask applicants to choose two non-staff church members and describe for us how these folks have supported them throughout their life.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Badge of Belonging

The pastor in my church is always reminding people to wear their nametags to worship. We have them prominently displayed at the entrances of our church and people are supposed to grab them as they come through the doors. With over 450 members, nametags are a practical way to meet and greet each other in a community where it is impossible to get to know everyone when you are with them for a few hours a week.