Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Abba! Father!

I had an extremely happy childhood. Like most Americans I grew up wanting for much but needing nothing.  My family lived on a hobby farm with horses and chickens and dogs and cats…lots of cats. I was raised in an atheist household. My parents never baptized me. I have fond memories of sleeping in on Sunday mornings and waking up to a hot breakfast.

My mother taught me about hard work and perseverance. My father taught me that one could have strong beliefs and convictions and still be nice to other people.

My happy childhood ended a month before my sixteenth birthday when my father passed away.

Leadership Musts

Great insight that match what I'm seeing in my ministry. Ideas Week: Beyond Sizzle. I love how the author leaves the conversation.
So many times we "come to church," we participate in Bible studies or discussion groups, we volunteer for mission projects, and we leave inspired or smarter or gratified.  But what has been the result beyond our own edification?
It's great to have all of these wonderful ideas. Not for their own sake, but for the sake of the one who calls us. 

In anticipation of my sabbath retreat next week, I found great insight from Matt Steen, A Church Leader's Soul and Crisis Management.